Fascinating as always. Apologies but I'm not quite sure how seriously to take that Twitter thread that "the V-2 missile campaign against England culminated in a form of astral magic, specifically the ‘ritual of Mars’ & ‘prayer to Mars’ outlined in Book III of the Picatrix." Really?

Now, the Satanism of Jack Parsons at Caltech, that's easy to understand.



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Read it twice. Much food for thought. Kind of like chewing on nails. Followed the links. The one to the Orthodox website was fabulous! Got bogged down there and read several other articles, but no regrets. Now I need to read the Marshall McLuhan link. I've often heard him quoted but never read the entire text. Years ago, Father John Hardon SJ (may he rest in peace) told me that he had the honor of welcoming Marshall into the Catholic Church on his death bed. I appreciate knowing that more now than I did when I first heard it.

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Perhaps Fr. Hardon gave him last rites on his deathbed, but McLuhan converted to Catholicism much earlier.

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Cor ad cor loquitur.

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Nuclear weapons don’t exist. Megatons of TNT create mushroom clouds and constant shelling for weeks destroyed cities in WW2. The footage of nukes going off in Japan is Disney style rotoscoping animation. From Anime to Animus. Made by the Nazis for the Not Sees.

Stop paying lip service to foolish nonscientific Cold War disinformation. Atoms cannot be split- as they are not composed of “matter” in the first place. Why did NASA recruit Nazis after the war? That’s a parabolic trajectory over your head.

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Thank you. I learned a lot.

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