*** This answer is that the triumphant group in question did not go astray for the reason Nietzsche supplies — an “excess” of Christianity — but because of a deficit, and one particular kind of deficit, one caused by a turning away from the Ancient Church and its disciplines of spiritual experience, and a turning toward something else. ***

This is how I feel.

A lot of Nietzsche's criticisms are directed at the Catholic Church. At least from what I've seen. I'm yet to read an entire book from Nietzsche.

On those points, I agree with Nietzsche. The Catholic Church is a corrupt organization. I can see how anyone would be turned off by it. Considering that the church literally "makes up" dogma. They can twist anything to serve whatever purpose.

Purgatory is the example that first comes to mind. "Pay us, give us gold, and we'll "pray" to get your loved one(s) out of the place -- we just made up to get money..."

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What's missing is the responsibility of the consumer. Just as most would not knowingly do business with a known murderer or you might chose to do business with those that support the same causes and values as you, we can do the same with our tech tools. Our dollars fund the tyranny of Big Tech. Our use and data fund the tyranny of Big Tech. There are alternatives. How many that publish here on Substack also have a MailChimp account? MailChimp has censored so many voices of freedom in the last 3 years it's impossible to ignore.

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What a great text. As a Brazilian that watches this downfall from a distance, it is intriguing where should it stop and the consequences that it bears.

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Interesting piece. As you said, it is a fatal error. I believe the remedy is rebirth

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OGRE makes excellent point, but I have always viewed it this way--the Church is bigger than the individuals composing it. Sure, the people in it may be corrupt, but the Church, as long as it exists, there is a dim light that cannot be snuffed out, and that dim light, eradicates darkness. Yet, it is the laity of the Church who have accepted much of this, and the blame is really on them. Look inward not to some secular antagonist, if you want νικη.

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With encouragements from Satan, men make tools, that promise ease and control. Words are tools. Modern tools create more material abundance. Modern tools extract more finite resources from the earth. Modern tools are extremely complex. Two ways this plays out. All the resources are consumed so no more oil and no more fish in the sea. Or the systems become so complex when they break no one has the skills and inclination to fix them. A billion people use electronic devices and the internet . One in a million knows how to build and fix the technologies their lives revolve around.

The modern world, Satan’s world, will collapse eventually.

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