Technology reigns over an America in ruins, weakened by generations of struggle on “the battlefield” and in “the marketplace” of ideas. As the old symbols fall, ideas no longer rule the world. All recognize the need to build anew. Few discern where to begin, what to raise up, or how to clear ground among the wreckage.
Neither reason nor imagination will restore our rightful place and order above our own machines. To preserve our human way of life, we must return to the foundation: our long experience of God’s life-giving love for the world.
Getting from there to here, and from here to the future we hope to restore, requires a different kind of building than we’re used to (and used to being sold). SUCCULENT offers a subscription notebook of observations designed to develop that approach, tangibly, accessibly, and actionably—so we can get to work right now on ensuring that what we build we build for the ages.
Thanks for joining me.